
  Thread Subject Replies Last Post Community Name Status
B2B Roundtable
0 2 months ago by Jennifer Avery, CCXP
B2B and B2B2C CX Discussion Community
Update on Presentation to the CXPA Board
0 3 months ago by Mr. Greg Melia, CAE
CXPA Global Research Steering Committee
2024 CX Leaders Advance Planning Committee April Call
0 3 months ago by Gabe Smith, CCXP
2024 CX Leaders Advance Planning Committee
Action items from March meeting
0 3 months ago by Gabe Smith, CCXP
2024 CX Leaders Advance Planning Committee
Line level Datasets
0 4 months ago by Mr. Greg Melia, CAE
CXPA Global Research Steering Committee
Qualtitive Survey Results and meeting recording
7 4 months ago by Mrs. Rebekah Kabugo-Mugisha
Original post by Mr. Greg Melia, CAE
CXPA Global Research Steering Committee
Quant Survey Draft: Feedback Requested by Monday, January 29
7 5 months ago by Mr. Greg Melia, CAE
CXPA Global Research Steering Committee
Sharing the ECC Global CX maturity report
0 6 months ago by Olga Potaptseva, CCXP
CXPA Global Research Steering Committee
January 24 Meeting Recording
0 6 months ago by Mr. Greg Melia, CAE
CXPA Global Research Steering Committee
[The CXPA Rochester, NY Network is currently seeking online speakers/presenters for 2024]
0 6 months ago by Jason Hammel
Rochester, NY CXPA Network
Survey Reminder--and question for the group on session recording
3 6 months ago by Nicole Aguilera, CCXP
Original post by Gabe Smith, CCXP
2024 CX Leaders Advance Planning Committee
Dec 12 Meeting Recording and Updated Discussion Report
0 7 months ago by Mr. Greg Melia, CAE
CXPA Global Research Steering Committee
Advance materials for Tuesday's CXPA Meeting: Qualitiative Survey Report and Recording
0 7 months ago by Mr. Greg Melia, CAE
CXPA Global Research Steering Committee
Strategy Framing Report for CXPA Global Steering Committee Review
0 8 months ago by Mr. Greg Melia, CAE
CXPA Global Research Steering Committee
CXPA Network Nairobi #CXDay2023 Meet & Greet 0 9 months ago by Lucy Kiruthu
CXPA Network Nairobi
B2B CX benchmarking insights for Professional Services
0 11 months ago by Danielle Holthaus, CCXP
B2B and B2B2C CX Discussion Community
2 11 months ago by Scott Gilbey
Original post by Mashall Morel
South Florida CXPA Network
Detractor follow-up
10 one year ago by Lynn Hunsaker, CCXP
Original post by Niyati Gulati
B2B and B2B2C CX Discussion Community
Professional Services CX Leader Networking
4 one year ago by Brad Smith, CCXP
Original post by Aimee Lucas
B2B and B2B2C CX Discussion Community
The unique properties of B2B CX--and what this means for your survey
2 one year ago by Martha Brooke, CCXP
B2B and B2B2C CX Discussion Community
Managing Surveys for Multiple Stakeholders
3 one year ago by Brian Lunde
Original post by Cody Yancey
B2B and B2B2C CX Discussion Community
3 one year ago by Scott Gilbey
Original post by Cher Houy
Tampa Bay CX
Customer satisfaction around billing/invoicing/contracting
0 one year ago by Kim Buchanan
B2B and B2B2C CX Discussion Community
B2B Customer Service Response Times
0 2 years ago by Denise Wildish
B2B and B2B2C CX Discussion Community
Services excellence - tech support
0 2 years ago by Marni Rutkofsky, CCXP
B2B and B2B2C CX Discussion Community
B2B Benchmark Resources
0 2 years ago by Crystal Osada
B2B and B2B2C CX Discussion Community
New Thoughts About B2B CXM
1 2 years ago by Martha Brooke, CCXP
Original post by Lynn Hunsaker, CCXP
B2B and B2B2C CX Discussion Community
Paperless services
0 3 years ago by Daniel Ernstberger, CCXP
B2B and B2B2C CX Discussion Community
Benchmarking interview request with Telefonica Brasil
1 3 years ago by Ismail Ozenc, CCXP
Original post by Gabe Smith, CCXP
B2B and B2B2C CX Discussion Community
B2B persona and customer journey mapping
1 4 years ago by Annette Franz, CCXP
Original post by Ms. Frederique Kamp, CCXP
B2B and B2B2C CX Discussion Community
How does your company use Google Reviews?
0 5 years ago by Roberta O'Keith
B2B and B2B2C CX Discussion Community
Survey design - Importance levels among a LONG list of attributes
2 5 years ago by Lori Laflin
Original post by Mary Ellen DeMarco, CCXP
B2B and B2B2C CX Discussion Community
Usability tools - Which are best?
1 5 years ago by Doug Balson
Original post by Mary Ellen DeMarco, CCXP
B2B and B2B2C CX Discussion Community
Confidentiality with CX Surveys
5 8 years ago by Lori Laflin
Original post by Ariel Snapp
B2B and B2B2C CX Discussion Community
0 8 years ago by Fred Schweppe
B2B and B2B2C CX Discussion Community
Applying the 0-10 NPS scale consistently on surveys?
5 8 years ago by Kyle Groff
Original post by Fred Schweppe
B2B and B2B2C CX Discussion Community
Junior CX program manager job description required
1 8 years ago by Robert Tangeman, CCXP
Original post by Seema Kohli
B2B and B2B2C CX Discussion Community
High Impact Visual of Client Experience
4 8 years ago by Lynn Hunsaker, CCXP
Original post by Richard Watson
B2B and B2B2C CX Discussion Community
Concept Validation / Customer Advisory Panels/ Usability Testing
1 8 years ago by Rob Jackson
Original post by Dr. Mallen Liz
B2B and B2B2C CX Discussion Community
Informing Customers of Staffing Changes
0 8 years ago by Kelly Johnson
B2B and B2B2C CX Discussion Community
CX B2B Super Forum Community Management Conference in Arlington, VA
0 8 years ago by Andy Steggles
B2B and B2B2C CX Discussion Community
CX In US Utilities
1 8 years ago by Jim Rembach
Original post by Greg Tucker, CCXP
B2B and B2B2C CX Discussion Community
Customer advisory panels/co-creation
2 8 years ago by Tema Frank
Original post by Holly Weiss
B2B and B2B2C CX Discussion Community
Sponsor Webinar today around B2B
0 8 years ago by Lesley Lykins
B2B and B2B2C CX Discussion Community
Client Advisory Boards
5 8 years ago by Laura Balentyne
Original post by Annette Franz, CCXP
B2B and B2B2C CX Discussion Community
Great CX Themed Social Use Cases
1 9 years ago by Kyle Groff
Original post by Robert Tangeman, CCXP
B2B and B2B2C CX Discussion Community
Customer Experience in B2B - How Different Can it Be (to be)?
3 9 years ago by Ian Williams
Original post by Karl Sharicz
B2B and B2B2C CX Discussion Community
Old School vs Social Selling
1 9 years ago by Karl Sharicz
Original post by Kalyna Hanover
B2B and B2B2C CX Discussion Community
Customer Rooms - I know I've seen this before
3 9 years ago by Kim Proctor
Original post by Stephanie Thum, CCXP
B2B and B2B2C CX Discussion Community
repost -examples/best practices of how you are resolving enterprise customer issues
2 9 years ago by Stephanie Davis
B2B and B2B2C CX Discussion Community