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On Tuesday, December 20 th , CXPA members from around the world convened for CXPA Connections 2022, a live networking event that offered members the opportunity to share reflections on 2022, top CX priorities in 2023, and key pieces of advice with their CX peers in small-group breakout rooms. ...
Want us to celebrate your career accomplishment? We want to hear from you--just fill out this form . Here are some CX pros who were recently on the move: First Row, L-R Claudia Lopez , Client Experience Manager, Parker Technology Brittani Osborne, Customer Experience Project...
This post was originally published on LinkedIn and can be found here . Recently I attended a middle school assembly at which my daughter was recognized for academic achievement. I was seated with other proud parents at the back of the auditorium while the students were seated up front,...
On October 4, 2022, the Customer Experience Professionals Association (CXPA) officially published nine books as part of its CX Day celebrations. This article shares how these publications came about, the process by which they were developed, and an overview of the books. The CXPA CX...
Want us to celebrate your career accomplishment? We want to hear from you--just fill out this form . Here are some CX pros who were recently on the move: First Row, L-R Jenny Amari, CCXP , Customer Delivery Leader, Cisco Tabitha Dunn, CCXP, Head of Global Customer...
I recently wrote about how some brands don’t really listen to their Customers when they develop new functions, features, and even new products, and how frustrating that can be. That’s often because a brand feels so comfortable and strong that they don’t really need to listen. “We know what...
This CX Day, CXPA members and partners outdid themselves when it came to creating compelling CX content. From blog posts, to videos, to podcasts, to new CX storytelling platforms, offers, and newsletters, there's no shortage of ways for you to up your CX learning and development this week and...
During this packed CX Day celebration, you'll hear from: --CXPA's Board Chair, Nancy Porte, CCXP, and CEO, Greg Melia, CAE, on how CX Drives Success --Heart of the Customer's Nicole Newton, CCXP on the outcomes of CXPA's joint research with HoC and Quadient mapping the journey of the 1st year...
If Crystal D’Cuhna seems particularly at home talking about customer experience design, it might be because she first got involved in CX by helping others create a home of their own. A fter moving from the retail sector to construction around 2009, Crystal found herself recognizing the...
Have you heard about CX Day? Every October, people worldwide celebrate with their employees, agents, and clients. It reminds me of “Mother’s Day” or “Father’s Day.” It’s a time when we intentionally celebrate and express gratitude to people who matter in our lives. It doesn’t mean we stop...
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