
The CCXP program achieves another international milestone!

By CXPA Admin posted 04-18-2024 08:52 PM


When the CXPA Board and dedicated volunteers established the Certified Customer Experience Professional (CCXP) credential in 2014 they had high hopes that it would become a trusted, reliable mark of CX professionalism by providing a common framework for assessing CX knowledge. Today’s CCXP program continues that commitment by providing a vendor-agnostic, independently governed professional certification rooted in industry research,


 psychometrically valid requirements, and continued volunteer oversight by a global committee of CX professionals. 

As we have previously shared, it is because of this objective rigor that the CCXP is mentioned as a sought-after qualification in more than 90% of job postings at and held by more than 1,300 individuals.  Today we share the news that the CCXP certification is now officially recognized by the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia Human Resources Development Fund (HRDF).  The HRDF is a prominent governmental authority charged with providing support to organizations that train and qualify the Saudis to meet the growing workforce needs of its private sector. We extend huge gratitude to Ahmed Alfaddagi, CCXP, and his fellow CXPA volunteers in the KSA for this accomplishment!        

Thinking of pursuing the CCXP?  You don’t need to go it alone - we have Recognized Training Providers and CCXPs across the globe.

1 comment



04-22-2024 06:28 PM

Congrats and way to go .. another great stride from Ahmed and friends