Alert: Meet the 2025 CXPA Board Slate here. Voting is now open for CXPA Members.
The Scotland CXPA Network is a local community of CX professionals to connect, learn, and share ideas and best practices with each other. We welcome you to stay connected in this online space in between your in-person events planned by CXPA volunteers. We can’t wait to welcome you at our next...
There may be no other step in the CX journey that causes more angst among CX champions than having “the talk.” You know, the one where you go to your CEO and tell them about this great idea you have that’ll solve everything if you can just have a little seed money and a couple of co-conspirators...
Please take a moment (just a few minutes, in fact) to check out the latest 10-Minute Takeaways , the exclusive new member-driven video feature recently introduced where a CX nugget of wisdom or best-practice is encapsulated and presented within 10-minutes or less. Naturally, fyou can reach out...
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