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Is customer engagement, artificial intelligence, digital marketing, predictive analytics, big data, or some other “shiny object” the key to driving business performance? Certainly all of these endeavors can make a difference in revenue growth. Yet there is a bigger picture: none of these is...
What's the greatest challenge Voice of the Customer (VoC) managers face? Low survey response rates, capturing feedback at all important touch-points, selecting the right scales and questions, integration of customer data across systems, connecting the dots across VoC sources, linking VoC with...
Customer experience management in your company (a) a subset of corporate strategy, (b) unrelated to corporate strategy, or (c) a determinant of corporate strategy? This question was asked in the ClearAction Annual Business-to-Business Customer Experience Management Best Practices Study . And...
There may be no other step in the CX journey that causes more angst among CX champions than having “the talk.” You know, the one where you go to your CEO and tell them about this great idea you have that’ll solve everything if you can just have a little seed money and a couple of co-conspirators...
That might seem like a strange question – especially from someone who gets paid to help companies along their CX Journey. But it’s an important one to ask. Here’s why: CX Design is different from other customer-facing initiatives. Advertising campaigns come and go. Promotions are short-lived...
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