
Contact Details

Denver, CO


Since the very beginning of my career, I have always believed that if you take care of your employees, they will take care of your customers, who will want to keep working with you and expand the relationship which creates value for shareholders that should be reinvested in your employees.  And that is why I have made experience management my discipline. 

Although I started in computer science, I quickly realized that humans can work with or subvert technology (one of the reasons I have a deep affection for contact centers!).  My career started in technical roles (Engineer, Business Analyst, Architect), but my primary focus has been Leadership, Experience Design, and Organizational Change Management. That's what I love about Experience Management - it is a blend of understanding how the people, process, tech, and data all fit together. You have to look at the whole company and the complete experience to really improve the quality. It starts with a primary focus on the people, but if you do not enable them with good processes, tech, and data, the results are notably less than intended.  

My career spans both planning customer and employee experience innovation and bringing those plans to fruition. I was heavily involved in the transformation of multiple call centers into contact centers, redesigning the technology infrastructure to enable our CSRs to deliver higher quality service at a lower cost. I love giving these savvy teammates the opportunity to use their skills, because they are at their best when they are involved in the conversation and not waiting on the technology or attempting to force a system to do what they need it to do. These transformations have spanned from marketing through service and in all channels. The projects of which I have been involved have improved NPS, retention (customer and employee), first contact resolution, overall resolution time, speed to proficiency for new hires, and reduced the total time customers have to spend with a company to get their results. 

I've been working as a consultant with McorpCX for over five years on both B2C and B2B experiences. I have depth of knowledge in technology, contact centers, financial / insurance, and healthcare industries. I infuse OCM philosophies into my work which includes Experience Design, Education, Experience Strategies, and Listening Systems.

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