
Raking in CX lessons

By Ms. Sarah Andrews, CCXP posted 10-09-2023 11:20 AM


Happy CX week! This week is dedicated to celebrating the countless CX professionals, enthusiasts, & evangelists who work tirelessly to improve the lives of others through designing & delivering remarkable experiences.
🍂 This morning I *tried* to deliver a remarkable experience. I went out & started raking the mountain of leaves that had accumulated in our neighbor’s & our yard. I worked for 90min filling 10 giant yard waste bins. I hustled inside to shower & get ready to start my day of calls. As I sat on my calls, I glanced out my window & saw a persistent “leafstorm” of new leaves covering the pristine yard I had just spent time raking. By the end of my last call, you couldn’t even tell I had raked. 🍂 This got me thinking…
As CX leaders you’re often filled with that same feeling – you & your team work so hard to "rake up" all of the CX issues & some days despite your noblest of efforts it can feel like you’re not making a difference. 🥀
I would offer you another perspective:
🌳 The daily work you & your team are putting in to educate, evangelize, & elicit the culture of CX in your organization ensures you’re not left with an unmanageable mountain of leaves (aka CX issues) to cleanup at the end of the season.
đź›  During my raking spree I used a variety of tools – a rake, tarp, bins, broom, etc. This is akin to the CX toolbox you & your team pull from daily to execute your CX strategy. (Qualtrics has a great list of six CX competencies & their related skills here:
🌡 I could have saved myself some work by paying closer attention to the weather to see it was going to be windy & thus creating the “leafstorm” that undid all my work. The same can be said about being attentive to the other activities occurring in the organization, which may impact the success of your CX initiatives.
đź‘­ The only thing that would have made my leaf experience more bearable would have been having a friend to work alongside. We could have raked all the leaves into a big pile, jumped in them, & celebrated our hard work together. Be sure to cultivate cross-functional collaboration for your CX efforts, so you all can share in the work & the joy of delivering remarkable experiences.  
Thanks to Customer Experience Professionals Association (CXPA) for launching #CXDay a decade ago! Be sure to visit their website for ideas on how you & your team can celebrate CX in your organization each & every day! (

(Shout out to Oct 2022 & beautiful Mount Battie in Camden State Park, ME)

