
Working Toward a More Inclusive CXPA

By Mr. Greg Melia, CAE posted 06-11-2020 05:07 PM


The brutal death of George Floyd on May 25 is a heartbreaking reminder of the amount of work to be done to make a more just and inclusive society. The entire CXPA team, including our headquarters staff in Minneapolis (who are all safe), is deeply troubled by this act of racism and inexcusable violence. 

Strength in Diversity is a core CXPA value, but we can — and must — do more. This week, the CXPA Board of Directors discussed how CXPA can contribute to a more inclusive CX profession and world. Here are a few steps that we will take in the coming weeks and months:

  • We will begin to collect personal demographic information that you are willing to share. In aggregate, this data will allow us to provide a picture of CXPA membership and of the CX profession, in general. It will also provide the opportunity to better understand the differences in experience between demographic groups and help us serve and engage all members.

  • We will be taking steps to attract, support, and retain CX leaders from underrepresented groups. We hope to influence diversity in the CX field by attracting candidates from underrepresented groups. We want to ensure that every CX professional is welcomed, encouraged, mentored, and supported to help advance CX through involvement in CXPA. We will also be seeking ways to amplify voices of diversity in CXPA’s content channels.

  • We will be introducing new ways to share leadership opportunities as well as hear, connect, and engage with you directly to better understand the needs of our community.  We will increase opportunities and awareness of how members can be more involved in CXPA. We will be working with CXPA special interest groups and local CXPA Networks to directly gather your feedback on priorities that CXPA should address.  We will also provide additional ways to establish and grow personal connections and communities of interest. 

Now is the time for change.  Our ears and our hearts are open. We encourage you to share your ideas for how we can create a more inclusive CX community. 

Together in advancing CX,

Annette Franz, CCXP
2020 CXPA Chairperson

Greg Melia, CAE


1 comment



06-14-2020 04:09 AM

Thank you Greg, great initiative by the Committee.