
Here's What Works: Lessons from Researching DEI in Customer Experience

By Emily Vernon, CCXP (she/her) posted 07-27-2023 04:09 PM


Emily Vernon, CCXP, is the Executive Editor and a Co-Author of CXPA's upcoming publication focused on building diversity, equity, and inclusiveness into a customer experience ecosystem. The resource, which will be released on CX Day--Tuesday, October 3rd--will provide practical guidance for CX leaders seeking to deliver more inclusive experiences for customers. In this blog post, Emily describes her experiences researching DEI practices for customer experience. To learn more about CX Day, click here. To read additional CXPA publications (free for CXPA members), visit

While researching for DEI within customer experience, it was difficult to find consolidated resources. Typing something like ‘DEI within customer experience’ wasn’t really working. Here’s what I found did work ⤵

↗ Adjacent expertises were key places to start 
Customer experience crosses over with service design and user experience. In these realms, it’s easier to find relevant resources around inclusive, universal, or accessibility design. Companies also have public resources to reference.

↗ Governments, think tanks, trusts and non-profits are asking similar questions
Inequalities within public services mean the public sector is looking into these same topics. Let’s take healthcare as an example. Take a look at the CDC in the US or the King’s Fund in the UK, both researching and reporting on inequalities.

↗ Industries like healthcare and financial services have been tracking this too
There are specific industries where inequalities are more visible. This not only affects experience, but from a fundamental level, access. There are good resources from Fair by Design or 11:FS, both from the UK.

↗ Go beyond your country
A lot of countries are researching and questioning DEI within their services or customer experience. Look at other countries, whether it’s the US, UK or Australia for the larger English-speaking set, or beyond. I wish my language game was better to access more resources in say Spanish, as an example.

↗ There’s a lot more in employee experience at the moment around DEI
Companies, organizations, and associations are iterating on how to integrate DEI within their employee experience. It’s at the stage where there have been some learnings and reality checks. It’s still about human experience ultimately, and is relevant for customer experience.

DEI within customer experience is not necessarily new, but not consolidated. There are separate learnings, resources, and case studies across the industry. Now it’s about putting together the pieces.

Are there other pieces I've missed? Let me know in the comments. ⤵


