We are thrilled to share that this extraordinary CX Day program has been made possible thanks to the generous support of our dedicated CXPA Sponsor, mcorpCX. Take a moment to explore the registration details provided below.
CX Tech is bananas. But it’s not optional.
Future ready your journey mapping, management, and orchestration.
There are over 1000 different technologies with a CX message1. AI, ML, etc., etc. … the technology is evolving faster than anyone can keep up with. It isn’t slowing down, and it isn’t going away. But for those that embrace it the results can be staggering.
Soon (if not already), you will find yourself bogged down with dozens of static customer, employee, partner, etc. journeys, struggling to connect the stories, opportunities (not to mention prove the ROI of your work) and impact.
The good news is, you can future-ready your journeys and jump ahead (and over your competition) with execution-oriented frameworks and methods, leveraging CX tech to consolidate findings, coordinate cross-functional efforts and drive change prioritized for business impact.
Get ready to:
· Explore the journey related CX tech landscape
· Understand what’s out there and why it matters
· Discover how to future-ready your journey mapping
· Confront the mindsets that get in the way
· Address the gaps that can derail journey map activation
1 Gartner Report Q4 2018 “Market Guide for Voice-of-the-Customer Solutions”
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