CX Transformation Summit & Awards

CX Transformation Summit & Awards

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When:  May 30, 2024 from 09:00 AM to 09:00 PM (EAT)

In an era defined by technological advancements, Kenya’s is a shining example of how customer service is undergoing a transformative journey. Consequently, the CX Transformation Summit is dedicated to advancing this initiative further by facilitating discussions on new CX strategies, emerging trends, and compelling case studies within the region.

Under this years theme “CX Horizons: Discover, Transform, succeed” we emphasize the journey of organizations as they explore new frontiers in Customer Experience (CX). CX Transformation Summit continuous quest to discover fresh insights, transform strategies, and ultimately achieve success in the realm of CX. This theme underscores the importance of innovation, adaptation, and excellence in delivering exceptional customer experiences. Learn more about forward-thinking strategies and provides a platform to explore cutting-edge CX trends and best practices for achieving business success.

CX Transformation Summit is a global CX focused event meant for organization leaders striving to create a customer first organization. This summit is designed to help organizations turn their CX challenges into opportunities. Meet and get in depth insights from the top CX experts, digital transformation professional and CX innovators from the region.

The CX Transformation Excellence Awards honour individuals who have effectively implemented CX strategies, methodologies, processes, systems, and tools, yielding tangible and measurable outcomes. The awards attract entrants from leading corporations around the world, as well as mid-market and smaller firms.

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Hyatt Regency, Nairobi, Kenya
38, Muthithi Road, Westlands,


Shabrnam Shanaz
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