Boston Network: Coffee Hour - Adapting your VOC Program in Dynamic Times

Boston Network: Coffee Hour - Adapting your VOC Program in Dynamic Times

When:  May 20, 2020 from 08:00 AM to 09:30 AM (ET)
Associated with  Boston CXPA Network
Wednesday, May 20, 2020
8:00 AM - 9:30 AM



Finding ways to cut through the noise and actively listen could mean the difference between thriving or surviving for most businesses in the Covid-19 era. CX professionals have an opportunity to help take a more active role in steering the direction by acting as scouts in the dynamic battle to understand customers needs, listen to employees concerns and explore new and business opportunities.

Join some of the best CX professionals in Boston for an unscripted and casual conversation about how current conditions have impacted listening to the voice of the customer. We will explore what is and isn’t working, from surveys to data analysis to journey mapping.

Pour a cup of coffee, keep your pajamas on, log on and join the discussion. It’s always a great opportunity to connect with other passionate CX practitioners across many industries. But register early since our coffee hours are limited to 40 registrants and often sell out quickly.

Thank you to our Global Gold Sponsor!


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