See Experience Leadership Mastery testimonials and more here:
CCXP Exam Course:
Experience Leadership for Execs & Experts
XM Maturity Course
Automatic Experience Excellence

CCXP masterclass with 100% everything needed for CCXP exam success! Lifetime non-transferrable license to self-paced classes: 1 topic or all 5 topics. Live classes have 100% of self-paced class resources. No risk: try 1 topic with 7-day guarantee you’ll learn many things you did not know! (then apply full credit for that purchase toward the full course)
Live class(es) at no extra charge are scheduled as shown below or after 5+ people request a day/time or for 2 people. Private class(es) can be scheduled. Ask anything you want in live classes.
This CCXP Exam Masterclass is thorough, comprehensive, flexible, and efficient. Watch a narrated video with a workbook. Then, test your wisdom with the multiple choice quiz. Do this for each of 5 topics: Metrics, Design, Culture, VoC, Strategy. You can watch the videos in 6 hours. Plan 2-3 hours per topic for videos plus 275 multiple choice questions with hints and explanations and references to specific slides. Optional links to examples and templates and case studies.
How is a short course so successful? Extensive fine-tuning and learning layers: visuals, audio, script text, workbooks, quiz hints, example links, and success advice.
Get badges for every video and quiz game. Earn your Experience Leadership Topic Mastery Certificate. It’s based on scenario quizzes, with detailed success advice from the instructor, Lynn Hunsaker. Also: optional coaching and/or first-time CXPA membership discount.
8:30-10 am Los Angeles (Wednesdays)
11:30-1 pm New York
16:30-18:00 BST/WAT
17:30-19:00 CET/SAST
18:30-20:00 AST/EAT/TRT
19:30-21:00 GST
- June 7: Metrics & Analytics
- June 14: Improvement & Design
- June 21: Culture & Accountability
- June 28: VoC & Intelligence
- July 5: Operationalized Strategy
- July 12: Metrics & Analytics
- July 19: Improvement & Design
- July 26: Culture & Accountability

Join the hundreds of CCXPs who have used ONLY this course to successfully pass the CCXP exam right away by following all of this course’s advice. CCXPs from ClearAction‘s prep resources are applying their expertise at these brands:

ClearAction Experience Leadership Mastery differentiates your skills!

See Experience Leadership Mastery testimonials and more here:
CCXP Exam Course:
Experience Leadership for Execs & Experts
Automatic Experience Excellence