Design Dash with the CXPA Cape Town: Expanding our design thinking skills

Design Dash with the CXPA Cape Town: Expanding our design thinking skills

When:  May 23, 2023 from 07:30 AM to 09:00 AM (SAT)
Associated with  Cape Town CXPA Network

Please join the CXPA Cape Town network for an exciting network event collaboration with The Hasso Plattner School of Design Thinking Afrika at the University of Cape Town.

CX professionals tap into a broad range of skills as champions for change and advocates for the customer. Among these are the skills needed to understand customers and craft engaging experiences. Design-led Thinking methodologies and approaches have become integral tools for the successful CXer's toolbox.

This event will feature a Design Dash, hosted and facilitated by the expert design thinking coaches from the d-school Afrika at UCT. The session will provide participants with a hands-on learning experience, incorporating design thinking to tackle a group experience design challenge. Participants who are new to design thinking will get a taste for what it's all about. Those who are familiar with design thinking will have an opportunity to practice their skills and learn some new tips and tricks.

We'll kick off with refreshments and networking on arrival, followed by a welcome from the d school Afrika leadership team in their stunning new building, the HPI d-school on UCT’s middle campus, before continuing on to a lively learn-by-doing Design Dash experience.

Light refreshments will be provided. Space is limited. For this special event, we kindly ask that you honor your RSVP or let the organizing team know of any changes 48 hours in advance, so that the team can plan the interactive session accordingly.


Julia Ahlfeldt
27 834247234
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