
2015 Insight Exchange Presentations

By CXPA Admin posted 05-01-2015 09:58 AM


Below are the shared presentations from the CXPA 2015 Insight Exchange held in San Diego on May 5 & 6.  

Keynote Speakers

Derrick Hall, President and CEO, Arizona Diamondbacks
"On the Field and Off!"
Culture of Success - A Proven Blueprint for Creating Devoted Fans and Employees

  • Take care of your people and they will take care of the customer
  • Find a way to say yes
  • Create a place where people love to work
  • Give back, Get back

Erin Wallace, CCXP, Global Manager, Customer Experience, John Deere 
"Easier Said than Done: Move the Needle with Your Customer Experience Strategy" 

Customer Experience leaders are responsible for proactively enabling and embedding customer-focused decision making in their organizations. But, …."How do I get my executives on board?" "Where should I focus first?" "What about the areas I don't have control over?"... are challenging questions making us think our strategies are easier said than done. During this session, you'll  take away specific methodologies, approaches, and proven practices that have  moved  the needle  at John Deere by enabling success in areas of strategic planning, governance, executive buy-in, analytics, VoC and MoT design and delivery. 

Bruce Temkin, Co-Founder & Chair, CXPA
"The Future of Customer Experience"
Where is customer experience on its maturity path and where is it heading? CXPA Chairman and customer experience visionary Bruce Temkin will share some of his research on the future of customer experience, and engage attendees through an interactive session on the topic.

Breakout Sessions

Empathy: How to Make It Actionable 
Suzanne Ray, Director, Donor Experience Management, ALSAC/St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital
We focus on listening to our customers through many different channels. But, do we really listen to them? In this session, we will discuss Empathy: What? How? And Why? We will also provide an example of how Empathy can lead to designing a better experience for the customer.

Embedding VOC into our Business Metrics and Processes
Kristy Elmore, Executive Director, Global Commercial Operations, Johnson Controls

  • Capturing VOC globally in a consistent way
  • Communication is the key
  • Integrating all the parts
  • Linking to key Critical business Information
  • Enabling targeted action plans around the globe

B2B Program Design & Analysis that Delivers Results
Steve Bernstein, CEO/Founder, Waypoint Group
The most successful CX professionals and programs establish actionable insights that reach across department lines and generate measurable ROI. But because B2B programs are inherently more complex than their B2C counterparts – including customers that consist of many different people who are involved in buying decisions and have varying goals and interactions with your company – reporting and analysis in B2B CX programs are also more complex. Embody the seamless experience your team strives for with best practices designed for B2B that strengthen long-term relationships. In this session, you will learn:

  • Business questions that your analysis should answer, providing value to many parts of the firm
  • Example reports and analysis – unique to the B2B industry – that show how those questions get answered
  • Techniques for shining the light on where the program is accelerating growth & measure ROI 

Avoiding The "Metric-Centric" Trap on the Journey Towards Becoming "Customer-Centric"
Raj Sivasubramanian, Senior Manager, Global Customer Insights, eBay
Customer metrics are clearly a key pillar of CX programs and building the right measurement and analysis capabilities is rightfully an area where companies should focus their early CX efforts. Getting to the point where you have robust customer metrics that are used by business leaders can take time and is a tremendous accomplishment. However, there is a risk in today’s data-driven world for companies to focus too much on metrics and to associate the existence of customer metrics with customer-centricity. In reality, becoming truly customer-centric is a process and requires more than just the reporting of customer metrics. This session will focus on eBay’s journey to build on how customer metrics are used and the lessons we learned along the way.

The In-House Consultancy: Transforming an Order Taking, In-House creative Team to a Strategic Customer Experience Consultancy. 
Craig LaRosa, DVP, In-Store Experience and Design, Sears
How do you transform a 122 year old store into an integrated retailer for the 122 years? To start, you transform the organization. As part of Sears’ and Kmart’s transformation, senior leadership identified the need to evolve the internal organization as well as the external facing touchpoints of the brands. DVP, In-Store Experience and Design, Craig LaRosa will illustrate the philosophy behind the development of the Integrated Retail Team and the hurdles associated with changing the mind-set of the employees and creating a collaborative culture-- in a complex organization--that services over 20 individual business units with 20 different leaders. This complexity is further complicated by the breadth of products and services that all require individualized customer experiences. During this session, Craig will be discussing tools, processes and methods for aligning teams, breaking down barriers between functions and navigating one of the most complex retail ecosystems currently operating in the US. You will leave with an understanding of how the tools CX designers use every day, can be turned inwardly to transform an organization built for the last century, into an organization built for this century.

Mind the Gap: How to Enhance CX by Bringing Your Sales Team on Board
Will Carter, Manager, ZS Associates
Erik Long, Principal, ZS Associates
How does the “gap” between Sales and Marketing impact your Customer Experience efforts? Sales forces are often the most critical CX “delivery team,” yet they are frequently left on the sidelines during critical phases of the CX journey, treated as passive observers who, at best, benefit from customer scorecards and CX-improvement action items generated from the CX program. The sales force is one of the most powerful channels for shaping, defining and bringing CX to your customers and prospects, and needs a more prominent seat at the CX table. How can you elevate your sales team to become a strategic partner in your CX efforts? How can you use CX insights to do more than inform tactical improvements, but instead to truly transform your go-to-market sales strategy? Learn how companies are re-thinking the link between CX and the sales force, including examples of redesigned programs, innovative closed loop systems, and advanced analytics that work in concert to create a culture of CX-driven sales force effectiveness.

How to Gain Executive Buy-In
Lorraine Schumacher, Director, Marketing Transformation, Verizon
So, you’ve finally reached C-Suite approval and budget for your CX Program….. Now What?

Hear about Verizon’s roller-coaster ride through their sea of executive stakeholders to ensure that the program had continued support at ALL levels across the corporation.

Hear about everyone from Fearful Freddy, Harry the Data Hog, to Left behind Louie. Verizon was able to win them over to become long term advocates of the program.

Customers as Advocates: How Your Customers Can Drive Innovation That Delivers Growth
Surachita MishraSenior Director, Customer Intelligence, Analytics and ExperienceSysco
Customer Experience professionals have a responsibility to bring the voice of the customer into their organizations. But, an even bigger responsibility – and challenge – is ensuring that internal changes are made in order to deliver an improved customer experience. When organizations are siloed, under various functional lines, this can be harder than it should be. However, your customers are a powerful rallying point. This session will talk about how Sysco, an established industry leader, collaborated with customers every step of the way to achieve grass-roots led innovation. This interactive session will give you the opportunity to discuss organizational challenges you may be facing. You will learn how specific tools, from verbatims to statistics to journey mapping, can be used to guide an organization through a difficult change and achieve an outcome that truly meets your customers’ needs.

Customer Journey Management, Creating a Living Document
Ed Murphy, Director of Research, Strativity
For many years journey mapping has been a static image or a set of Post-it® notes on the wall and action planning has been an important, but separate, exercise. Companies need to prioritize the various steps in the journey, they need to understand, from a customer’s perspective, which steps in the journey are most important and where customers are experiencing the greatest pain. Powerful things happen when mapping and action planning are linked and companies have the ability to assign tasks and monitor progress through an online mapping tool. Stakeholders are held accountable and the journey map becomes an organization-wide living document, leading to more exceptional customer experiences.


Show & Tell Practitioner Sessions

Customer Centric Culture

A Learning Repository that Drives Cultural Change, B2C
Marcia Mitchell, Customer Experience Lead, Capital One
Have you ever struggled with improving the customer experience because it requires an organization’s employees to change their behavior? Learn how to create a simple self-directed learning repository along with core support practices that can transform an organization and institutionalize the desired cultural change.
Day 1 + 2

Are You Walking the Talk? How Customer-Centric is your Customer Experience Practice? B2B and B2C
Jessica DeVlieger, SVP, Marketing, Communispace
Research has shown that 80% of companies think they are customer-centric, yet only 8% of their customers agree. Why the gap? And, more importantly, does your organization fall within it? This fun diagnostic exercise and interactive discussion will explore both of these questions, giving you a quick read on how your company thinks about its relationships with customers and examples of changes you can make right now to “close the gap” and improve the customer experience.
Day 1 + 2

CX Cultural Assessment: A Simplified Approach, B2B and B2C
Eryc Eyl, Senior Analyst, ESource 
If you're struggling to get the CX culture conversation started in your organization, join this lively discussion to learn a simple tool for assessing your CX culture and kick starting that conversation.
Day 1 + 2

Connecting the Dots between Team Behaviors, Moments of Truth and Customer Loyalty, B2B
Lesley Boucher, Managing Director, Pensare Group
Are you looking for a simple way to help internal customers engage in the discussion around strengthening the external customer experience? Is a full blown journey mapping exercise more than you need or can manage at this point? Join this discussion around one simple technique to engage teams in understanding the customer experience, and the impact they have (directly and indirectly) on customer engagement and loyalty.
Day 1 + 2

Customer-Centric Culture Assessment Tools, B2B and B2C
Kate Feather, EVP, Marketing, PeopleMetrics
Do you have a stated goal to be customer-centric but aren't sure where to begin? If so, this presentation may help you to learn how to identify your cultural priorities from both leaders and employees and build a road map for improvement.
Day 1 + 2

"Meeting in a Box" - Transforming Culture by Engaging Employees, B2B and B2C
Mark Slatin, SVP Client Experience, Sandy Spring Bank
"Culture eats strategy for breakfast” Peter Drucker.  If you’re interested in engaging employees to deliver remarkable customer experiences, the Meeting in a Box initiative will help you drive consistency deep and wide.
Day 1 + 2

CX Communication Program: Sharing the Message, B2B and B2C
Lisa Larson, CX Program Manager, Wolters Kluwer
Are you in the process of implementing a CX program? Get people talking about why the program is important and what it means to everyone in your organization through a series of CX messages.
Day 1

Customer-Centric Culture Assessment Tools, B2B and B2C
Jeff Valentine, VP, Client Success, PeopleMetrics
Do you have a stated goal to be customer-centric but aren't sure where to begin? If so, this presentation may help you to learn how to identify your cultural priorities from both leaders and employees and build a road map for improvement.

Day 2

CX Strategy

Customer Experience Strategy with all Departments Owning their Role, B2B
Olivia Adams, Chief Customer Officer, Alteryx, Inc. 
B2B organizations say they are focused on the customer.  Are they truly implementing a winning customer experience strategy that positively impacts both customers and employees?  Learn how Alteryx has implemented a strategy that holds Alteryx teams and employees accountable to our customers.  Customers and employees of Alteryx win with this approach.
Day 1

Winning Customer Trust with our Service Dashboard, B2B
Cate Long, Senior Director, Customer Experience, Concur
Do you provide services to your customers that they depend on every day?  If so, I would like to show you how Concur communicates service levels efficiently and effectively, in order to keep our customers informed and reduce customer and our support costs.
Day 1 + 2

Optimizing the OmniChannel Customer Care Experience, B2B and B2C
Gavin Winter, VP of Strategic Solutions, CX Act, Inc. 
It's one thing to be “in” the channel and relevant to the consumer conversation for the purposes of marketing, it’s quite another when customers reach-out to your company through traditional and alternative channels (e.g. social, chat and mobile) and expect first contact resolution to their issues.  This presentation provides an evidence-based framework to help focus your efforts, guide your customers and align to their needs.
Day 1 + 2

Experience Design, Improvement & Innovation

Prioritizing Improvement Opportunities: Getting more from your Pareto Analysis, B2B
Jeff Byng, CX Manager and Terry Callanan, Chief Quality Officer, Carestream Health
Pareto charts are commonly used for categorizing and prioritizing improvement opportunities .  If you are only using counts to analyze verbatim within a category to prioritize improvements, this presentation may help you look deeper into the data to find the themes with the highest impact.
Day 1

The Customer Contact Center: Supporting Customers in their Channel of Choice, B2B
Mary Betts, Director, Customer Contact Center, SAS
Are you exploring ways to provide a consistent experience for customers who want to interact with your company via live chat, phone, email and/or social media? If so, this presentation may give you insights and best practices that you can implement in your own organization.
Day 1

Experience Analytics Showcase, B2B
Bruce Anacleto, Director, Total Customer Experience, EMC
The Experience Analytics Showcase is an interactive online demo which features dynamic data visualizations, customer feedback examples, video content and other unique ways that data impacts customer experience. See how this tool helps EMC learn how customers engage with EMC online and during Customer Service interactions, are enabled with EMC’s cutting-edge tools and customized analytics, and how EMC evolves the customer experience based on customer feedback. The tool is an example of how EMC provides deeper insight to customers and employees by leveraging data from multiple customer touchpoints to innovate and drive continuous improvement.
Day 1 + 2

Customer Effort: Creating Loyal Customer Relationships by Reducing Customer Effort, B2B and B2C
Suzie Dieth, Customer Experience Manager, Reliant Energy
Are you curious about the Customer Effort Score metric? If so, this presentation will show you how Reliant uses it to build emotional connections with its customers by focusing on what they have to do – and how they feel.
Day 1 + 2

Engineering Innovative Experiences, B2B
Linette Myland, Manager, Voice of the Customer, Siemens Building Technologies
A guide to continuously build and strengthen relationships with your customers and fuel the success of your organization’s growth that includes Siemen's approach to listening to customers, recognizing employees, engaging customers, and the company's 5 key commitments to exceeding customer expectations.
Day 1 + 2

Customer Experience Project Selection Assessment Matrix, B2B and B2C
Carol Fink, Director, Executive Relations, Verizon
Many organizations have well established Executive Relations Teams and some have evolved those teams to do more than handle complaints.  At Verizon, we leverage Six Sigma Black Belts to help get to the root cause of problems and solve the issue once and for to improve the overall customer experience.   To help the teams decide how to prioritize work, we use a matrix that puts strong weight on the Customer Experience.
Day 1 + 2

Touchpoint Inventory, a Comprehensive View for Streamlined Action, B2B and B2C
Jeannie Walters, CEO/CCXP, 360 Connext
Do you have a method for gathering and prioritizing your touchpoints? This tool is designed to help you group and categorize them so you can zero in on the ones that need immediate action.
Day 2

Changing Internal Processes To Be Customer Centric, B2B
Rhonda Basler, Director, Customer Engagement, Hallmark Business Connections
Learn how Hallmark Business Connections took a fresh look at the client experience to redefine and implement new processes. We’ve become leaner in the processes with the most impact on our clients. Driving much of that change is a better definition of roles and responsibilities, and enhancing the deliverables to our clients to better fit their actual needs, not just what we think they need.
Day 2

Ask the Experts: A One to Many Approach to Improve Customer Experience, Increase Customer Reach and Utilize Resources More Efficiently, B2B
Christina Harris, Technical Manager, SAS
Are you looking to inspire more users on the value they can get from your tools and solutions on their time? Ask the Experts expands SAS’ reach on the most popular technical content. Come hear how we collaborate with multiple divisions to produce high quality program.
Day 2

Metrics, Measurement & ROI

Tailoring Metrics to Drive Action in a B2B Reality, B2B
Sandra Fornasier, Global Director, Customer Experience Specialists, Ciena Corporation
Are your customer experience metrics measures rallying your organization or are they falling flat on generating impactful actions? This presentation explains how we moved to a tailored approach to measure customer experience that helped us look beyond “customer satisfaction” to drive more meaningful cross functional customer experience improvement initiatives.
Day 1

Linking CX Improvements to Business Performance and Processes, B2B and B2C
John Georgesen, Sr. Director, Decision Sciences, Convergys Analytics
Driving CX improvement horizontally across the enterprise takes more than just putting a survey program into place. Learn how to make an impact in the C-suite by creating ROI linkage models that support your recommendations for change or investment.
Day 1

Best Practice Use of Net Promoter and Other Metrics to Improve Your Customer Experience, B2B and B2C
Deb Eastman, Chief Customer Officer, Satmetrix
Is your organization using Net Promoter Score (NPS) most effectively? NPS has become an industry standard metric for measuring the impact of your customer experience efforts, but many organizations struggle with when and how to use it. This session will provide best practices for how to use Net Promoter, customer satisfaction, customer effort score or other measure to drive change, prioritize improvements, and maximize the business impact of your CX efforts.
Day 1 + 2

CX ROI: "Wanna make $120 Million a year? B2B and B2C
Greg Tucker, CEO, Tucker & Company
Every company is looking to drive revenues and profitability and every executive is flooded with ideas about how to do it.  Do they know that a CX focus is proven to drive revenue and profitability growth with a great ROI? Learn about how to benchmark, measure and prove the ROI of CX.
Day 1 + 2

Customer Effort Score: Worth the Effort? B2B and B2C
Jen Maldonado, Sr. Business Analyst, Activision
Are you considering implementing Customer Effort Score as a metric? If so, you may be interested in hearing about Jennifer’s experience implementing CES 2.0 at two different organizations, one B2B and one B2C.  Learn about what worked well and what didn’t; and what benefits tracking effort brought to the customer experience.
Day 2

The ROI of Client Experience – Financials and Much More, B2B
Michelle Morris, Associate Director of Client Experience, Crowe Horwath
Are you trying to figure out how to help your leaders and the entire organization determine why they should focus on improving the customer experience? Do you need help connecting the dots between your surveys and why it’s important for your business?  Have you figured out the dollars and cents but want even more ammunition to encourage your leadership that improving customer experience is good not only for the bottom line but for the entire organization?
Day 2

Organizational Adoption and Accountability

Driving Cultural Change from the Middle: Engaging the Hearts & Minds of Middle Management, B2C
Diane Simmons, VP, Customer Experience, Fidelity
Are you trying to advance a cultural change in your organization? Learn some techniques to engage that critical middle management tier of your organization.
Day 1

Engaging the Silos: Putting CX at the Heart of Your Business Strategy, B2B
Laura Balentyne, Manager, Customer Experience, Interactive Intelligence
Are you struggling to align departments around a cross departmental CX initiatives?  Do you think you have alignment but execution is siloed and disjointed? This presentation will provide you with tools and tips for facilitating CX conversations that move beyond passive agreement to execution of an aligned strategy.
Day 1

The CX Council Charter: Avoid Dysfunction and Build Momentum, B2B
Darin Byrne, Sr. Director, Professional Services and CX Council Co-Chair, Wolters Kluwer
Launching and sustaining a culture-changing, strategic program like CX requires a committed and cohesive leadership team. Formalizing the structure of a CX Council with a team charter may help you to overcome challenges such as competing agendas, disparate perspectives, and lukewarm commitment. We’ll take a look at some key components that helped us get off to a strong start.
Day 1

Customer Experience Chameleon Tactics: An Agile Approach to Internal Stakeholders and CX Transformation, B2B and B2C
Paula Friedrich, Director, Product Services Experience, Adobe
In an Enterprise organization, being a customer champion often means working across a diverse array of teams, groups, stakeholders and executives to drive strategies, initiatives and goals. Find out more about adaptive ways to influence teams and drive change while remaining true to your core strategy.
Day 2

Effective CX Governance: A One Page Plan That Drives Action and Unites Cross-Functional Teams with a Shared Purpose, B2B and B2C
Nancy Flowers, VP, Client Engagement, Hagerty
Have you started and stopped a CX Governance Committee? Do you struggle to get a group of cross-functional business leaders moving in the same direction? A One Page Plan is a powerful tool to help you get your governance committee aligned around key objectives that support your enterprise strategy and deliver value to the business.
Day 2

VoC/Customer Insight and Understanding

Customer Journey Map Deskpad Tool: Reuse of Journey Map Findings is a sure sign of CX Maturity, B2B
Gratia Carver, Director, Customer Experience Portfolio Management, Allegion – Security Technologies
Are you trying to evolve the continued use of journey maps to enhance return on project investment and improve CX maturity within your organization?  If so, this Show and Tell session will provide a solid way to ensure project findings are used for continual reference within your organization.
Day 1 

Harnessing Verbatims to Drive Operational Continuous Improvement, B2B and B2C
Jim Katzman, Senior Director, Customer Experience, Asurion
We all know that unstructured feedback is a vital element of the voice of the customer.  But, what is the right tool set and approach to truly get operational improvement from all the feedback we receive.  We have taken an approach that is helping us truly action on our unstructured feedback.
Day 1

Guarantee VoC Buy-In, Integrity, and Velocity by Leveraging Customer Comments, B2B and B2C
Jim Rembach, Customer Relationship Metrics, LLC
Qualitative data has a priceless impact on your VoC program but converting the data to action is a struggle for most. Do you struggle with gaining buy-in, driving your culture, proof that you are measuring the right things? Survey Calibration is an incredible process to help you to increase the impact and value of your VoC program with less effort and greater trust.
Day 1 + 2

1+1=3: Boost Journey Mapping Impact by Combining Research and Workshops, B2B and B2C
Jim Tincher, Mapper-In-Chief, Heart of the Customer
Journey mapping workshops are a great way to get your teams to think about the journey through your customers’ eyes, but they also risk cementing internal biases as fact.  Learn best practices for how to use workshops both before and after research to help create customer empathy based on the true voice of your customer.
Day 1

Providing Interactive Enterprise Intelligence Across the Organization, B2B
Jeremy Whyte, Sr. Director, Customer Feedback & Response Programs, Oracle
Do you have a business need to aggregate and disseminate insights from a host of sources in an interactive and coordinated way across your organization? Learn how Oracle uses BI and Analytics to instantly share role-based information up, down and across the organization, empowering employees to compare performance, respond faster, and validate the impact of CX initiatives.
Day 1 + 2

Buyer Persona Creation: Understanding Your Prospect Customers to Increase Speed to Sale, B2B
Dana Hyatt, VP, Customer Experience, Thomson Reuters
Improving your prospective customers’ buying experiences helps customers move through the buying cycle faster. To do this, we first need to understand the process that a prospective customer goes through on the way to purchase; we start with deeply understanding WHO that customer is. What are their goals at each stage of the buying journey? What questions do prospective customers have to answer? Who is helping to answer these questions? Over the past year, Thomson Reuters developed over 20 buyer personas with the help of employees and prospective customers. We’d like to share our learnings about the processes to create accurate and actionable Buyer Personas – what works, who to include, and what results to expect.
Day 1 + 2 

Fewer Surveys, Better Insights, B2B and B2C
Patrick Gibbons, Principal/SVP, Walker
Survey fatigue and low response rates are just two of the reasons that CX leaders are looking for alternatives to surveys. If you face this challenge join us as we discuss how to get more out of the surveys you conduct and consider other methods for gathering valuable customer intelligence.
Day 1 + 2

Documenting, Managing and Prioritizing Customer Journeys, Insights and Improvements, B2B and B2C
Steven Maynard, Customer Experience Impact Lead, Cigna
Are you trying to document and track your customer’s journeys, pain points, and moments of truth? Join Cigna for a discussion around their in-progress journey to document, coordinate and prioritize efforts across their organization to transform their customers’ experiences.
Day 2

Online Community as a Critical Component in Company Growth and Customer Satisfaction, B2B
Christine Bentsen, Director, Customer Experience and Business Analytics, Innography
Online communities are powerhouses of customer engagement. In this presentation, we'll discuss some basic and advanced techniques for using this multi-faceted platform to collaborate, support, upsell, and brand your company and its products. How do you make the community sticky? What metrics are important? What keeps customers coming back?
Day 2

Top Customer Insights: How to gain and communicate Voice of the Customer, B2B
David Rosenzweig, Vice President of Marketing and Media, Lynden
Are you trying to capture what your top customers think about your company and turn it into quantitative and qualitative information? If so, this presentation will show you how to get boots on the ground and gain valuable insights, as well as creating tools to communicate with management in order to take action.
Day 2

Taking Action on Customer Feedback & the Impact It Can Have, B2B - CANCELLED
Roberta O’Keith, Customer Experience Consultant, The E3 Experience
Not sure how to take customer feedback back to the organization and make it actionable? Learn how GE was able to improve their NPS from a 45 to a 73 in just over 1 year. You will hear how market research, customer segmentation, and having a closed loop feedback process helped drive awareness, revenue, and customer satisfaction to the highest it has ever been.
Day 2

Buyer Persona Creation: Understanding Your Prospect Customers to Increase Speed to Sale, B2B
Nicole Gagnon Newton, Sr. Director, Customer Experience & Insight, Thomson Reuters
Improving your prospective customers’ buying experiences helps customers move through the buying cycle faster. To do this, we first need to understand the process that a prospective customer goes through on the way to purchase; we start with deeply understanding WHO that customer is. What are their goals at each stage of the buying journey? What questions do prospective customers have to answer? Who is helping to answer these questions? Over the past year, Thomson Reuters developed over 20 buyer personas with the help of employees and prospective customers. We’d like to share our learnings about the processes to create accurate and actionable Buyer Personas – what works, who to include, and what results to expect.
Day 2

Customer Councils: How to Effectively Leverage Customers to Inspire Your Company to Create Awesome Experiences, B2B and B2C
Brian Andrews, VP, Customer Experience Engine, Sprint
Have you thought about why some organizations continually deliver extraordinary solutions that hit the mark with customers? Building a high performing customer council helped Intuit create winning offerings. Brian will share the secrets of how Intuit's executives and frontline employees collaborated with customers at the semi-annual Accountant Council.
Day 2

CX Trends: What Customers Value Most
Erich Dietz, VP, Business Development, InMoment
Join Erich Dietz to explore the findings of a recent study conducted by InMoment into customer experience trends. Understand how brands and their buyers prioritize experience differently, and where they align. And explore a few surprising insights into what tips the scales when it comes to customer engagement and loyalty.
Day 2

Show & Tell Sponsor Sessions


Customer-Centric Culture

Solving Agent Efficiency Issues and Increasing Contact Center Productivity

Jon Carbone, Customer Experience Specialist, Avtex
Today's consumers demand swift resolutions to issues the encounter during the use of a product or service. Information is key to a contact center agent's ability to interact with customers and address their issues. The more information at their fingertips, the better agents are able to answer questions and satisfy customers!

Customer Experience Challenge: An Interactive Training Tool to Reinforce and Measure Behaviors That Drive CX Strategy
Amy E. Fox, Accelerated Business Results
How can your organization provide fun and engaging tools drive mastery (and measurement!) of the skills required to successfully deploy your CX strategy? In this presentation, we will share innovative tools that allow employees to practice and apply the behaviors and skills required to successfully deploy your CX strategy. This will provide new approaches to ensure you have the adequate practice, application, and measurement built into your CX deployment training solution. 


Customer Experience Strategy

Digital Experience Design Strategy Process: Creating Branded Customer Experiences Through Design
Glenn Drummond, Quarry
Are you seeking to differentiate your brand through digital experience? If so, this presentation will show you a proven, repeatable process model that leverages three CX design heuristics (personas + concept model +experience compass) working as a system to produce a Digital Experience Design Strategy.

Discover How Verint's Engagement Analytics (Verint EA) Solution Helps Predict Customer Behavior, Drive Employee Behavior, and Deliver Better Outcomes. 
Alain Stephan, Verint Systems 
Verint’s Engagement Analytics is a powerful platform that starts with multichannel data capture in the cloud. It’s done through very lightweight API’s into customer’s existing data sources, transactional and interaction data, structured and unstructured, centralized data and data that is available but siloed in the dark corners of the organization. Engagement Analytics provides the ability to capture, consolidate and create a single customer view in the cloud that we can use to fuel powerful analytics.

Experience Design, Improvement and Innovation

Building a Sense of Community Among Customers
Andy Steggles, Higher Logic
This presentation brings you examples of how various organizations have managed to turn their customers into a loyal collaborative community. A successful, client community can not only improve your WOM marketing, but can also reduce costs via case deflection and provide a great sounding board to help prioritize future development and generate ideation. This organic, self-building knowledge base also is the perfect source for your content marketing initiatives.

Metrics, Measurement and ROI

Vocalabs' Agile Customer Feedback
Peter Leppik, VocaLabs
Not getting full value from your customer survey? Learn how our Agile approach to customer feedback lets you build a dependable, actionable, and credible program which will drive change in your organization.

Engage Your Customers at the Point-Of-Experience and Unleash Real-Time Actionable Intelligence
Scott Evans, Periscope IQ, OMI
Through our Omni Listening platform, you're now empowered to engage your customers at the point-of-experience through a myriad of touchpoints. This can also be married to existing data sets that you may have such as contact center, complaint systems, social media mentions and many more.

Meet TopBox: the Only B2B-Specific VoC Tool for Understanding Complex Accounts & Building Individual Customer Relationships
Steve Bernstein, Waypoint Group
TopBox was designed for B2B companies that struggle to easily interpret VoC sentiment, understand how to act on feedback, and ultimately strengthen customer relationships. TopBox breaks down important KPI's for CSM's to understand which accounts are disengaged or at risk of churn and close the loop effectively. This B2B tool also delivers reports for account-level insights including x-ray and role-based sentiment for Decision Makers down to Day-to-Day contacts, financial linkage, trend analysis, and compares similar accounts through benchmarks.

Moneyball Marketing – How CX Transforms Growth & Profitability
Greg Tucker, CEO/Founder, Tucker & Company
Moneyball Marketing allows companies to estimate the impact on their revenues and profits of CX investments and improvements. The tool has shown how CX approaches can deliver the same growth at 50% or less marketing investment with CX program ROI well over 300% with a year 1 payback.


Voice of the Customer, Customer Insight and Understanding

A Tactical Approach for Creating Loyalty through Emotional Connections
Joe Piette, Andrew Reise
Research indicates that creating emotional relationships with your customers is the top driver of loyalty. Are you trying to connect with your customers on an emotional level? If so, this presentation will provide a research methodology and examples of how to use CX tools such as personas and journey maps to help you better connect with your customers, creating brand advocates.

Harnessing Voice of Customer Analytics to Drive Better Business Results
Jason Conrad, ForeSee
ForeSee, an Answers solution, continuously measures satisfaction with the customer experience across multiple touch points and delivers critical insights on where to prioritize improvements for maximum impact. Learn how today's forward-thinking companies are acting on voice of customer insights gained by scientifically measuring the customer experience to drive business success.

Confirmit SmartHubtm – Breaking Down Silos and Creating Connections
Karin Adams, Confirmit
Are you struggling to provide your management team with the financial and business value of your VoC program? Do you have a truly complete view of your customer and how experiences impact the bottom line? Are you challenged by data silos in the organization that are hindering your VoC program's success? Our session will show you how Confirmit SmartHub can help you break down silos and bring together disparate data sources to demonstrate qualitative and quantitative value to the business.

Using Insights to Deliver Significant ROI from Your Customer Experience Program
Brian Powers, NICE Systems
How can you effectively use the insights gathered from your customer experience program? This presentation will talk you through some successful examples of how the insights gathered from a Voice of the Customer solution can be used to deliver significant ROI. 

 The Human Side of Analytics – 5 Things You Need Before Getting Deep Into Customer Analytics
Graham Hudgins, Director, Product Management, Clarabridge
This presentation focuses on making sure companies don’t just “play their hand” when analyzing the VoC but also “play the man” (or business stakeholder). It’s easy to forget that behind CX is a real human process of business decision-making. Powerful VoC is important but only if it’s balanced by intelligent communication and interaction within your enterprise.


2015 Insight Exchange M2M Unwound Notes

Facilitated conversations around specific topics were held and the following notes were captured as part of these group conversations.

