
Creating a Customer Centric Culture

By Nora Curry posted 04-22-2015 11:04 AM


There’s no getting away from it, driving a customer centric culture takes hard work, dedication and commitment.  Defining what that culture is can sometimes feel like the hardest part.  One thing is for certain though, there is only one way to truly understand what your customer’s needs and wants are, and that’s by asking them.  Talking to your customers through a structured programme, find out what they value the most, listen, pledge to take action and measure the results.  This is the key to ensure you are continually doing best what matters most to your customers.

Insight from our quarterly customer satisfaction surveys has helped us be absolutely clear on what our customer’s value, as well identify the things we need do better.  This insight drives our daily focus on improving our service delivery.  We share our customer’s views across the organisation through a variety of methods; from insight workshops to team briefings; monthly staff bulletins to posters in break rooms. 

Take the opportunity to allow customers to drive the agenda, and share what they expect and want from all touch points.  This approach has seen significant increases in our CSat Indexes and NPS.  The commitment and focus starts with the Board, but it’s our teams, our colleagues, the individuals across the business who deliver the culture on a daily basis.  Give them the opportunity to share best practice, to contribute ideas, to celebrate special moments that made a customer’s day, and acknowledge each small success.  These are the tools that engage your employee base to help shape and define a truly customer centric culture. 

