
CX Professionals - Be Sure to Take Care of Yourselves

By Mr. Greg Melia, CAE posted 03-24-2022 04:31 PM


One of the things that I enjoy most about working with the customer experience (CX) community is the commitment of CX professionals to have empathy and a desire to make things better. This is often not just a professional commitment to bring empathy for the customer into the organization, but also often a personal dedication to having empathy for colleagues, community, and the greater world. Simply put, CX professionals care.

That’s why the headline An Excess of Empathy Can Be Bad for Your Mental Health caught my attention. The past two years and current world events have weighed heavy on us all – and that is likely to continue in ways both big and small. It is more important than ever that we each look after our mental health and that of our teams and families. As the article outlines,

  • Stop doomscrolling
  • Practice loving-kindness meditation
  • Practice self-compassion, and
  • Take action.

I’ll add my personal tip: Reflect, celebrate, get help and de-stress. Each Friday the CXPA staff ends the week with a relaxed meeting that follows the same agenda:

  1. What do we have to celebrate this week?
  2. What was frustrating this week?
  3. What do we need from each other?
  4. What are you doing this weekend to recharge?

I’m glad to be part of a team that supports one another in this way and hope that you have ways to promote well-being in your team. Know that the CXPA community is here to help support you too by providing a safe space and supportive peers that understand the challenges of being a CX professional.


1 comment



04-19-2022 04:17 PM

Thank you for this reminder!