
Six Learning Journeys to Grow Your CX Leadership at CX Leaders Advance

By Gabe Smith, CCXP posted 03-14-2024 05:09 PM


On April 30, 200+ CX leaders from across the globe will gather in Aurora, Colorado to spend two dedicated days exploring and refining strategies for CX success. Register now for CX Leaders Advance—April 30th-May 2nd

At the heart of CX Leaders Advance lies the Learning Journeys, carefully curated tracks designed to cater to the diverse needs and interests of CX professionals. Each journey provides attendees with a deep dive into specific aspects of CX leadership, equipping them with the knowledge, skills, and strategies needed to navigate the CX landscape successfully. Let's take a closer look at the six Learning Journeys offered at CX Leaders Advance:

  1. The Business and ROI of CX: Delving into the economic implications of CX, sessions in this learning journey will explore strategies for measuring and communicating the business impact of CX initiatives. From understanding advanced economic measures to crafting compelling business cases, participants gain valuable insights into unlocking the true value of CX within their organizations.
  2. AI, Tech, and Innovation: This journey examines the role of artificial intelligence (AI) and innovation in shaping the future of CX. From leveraging AI-driven insights to implementing cutting-edge technologies, sessions in this track will help attendees discover how to harness the power of innovation and technology to deliver better customer and business outcomes.
  3. CX Metrics, Insights, and Analytics: Data-driven decision-making lies at the core of effective CX leadership. Sessions in this journey will equip participants with the tools and techniques needed to collect, analyze, and interpret CX metrics effectively.
  4. Executive Partnerships: Building strong partnerships with executive leadership is essential for driving CX initiatives forward. This journey explores strategies for engaging and aligning with senior stakeholders, advocating for CX priorities, and securing the necessary resources to fuel success.
  5. Experience Design & Improvement: Crafting seamless and memorable experiences lies at the heart of CX excellence. In sessions within this journey, participants will dive into journey orchestration, personalization strategies, and human centered design, along with a session aimed at prioritizing experience improvement efforts.
  6. Progress & Impact: By equipping CX professionals with the knowledge, skills, and insights needed to craft compelling CX strategies and advance their careers, sessions in this journey will empower attendees to drive meaningful change, foster innovation, and elevate the role and scope of CX within their organizations.

Session Highlights: The Business and ROI of CX

  1. CX is Good Business: How to Demonstrate the Added Economic Value of CX to Your Organization: This session challenges conventional ROI conversations by exploring higher-level ways to evaluate the economic impact of CX. By examining measures such as Earnings Before Interest and Taxes (EBIT), participants will gain a deeper understanding of how good CX directly influences a company's economic results, positioning CX as a strategic driver of business success.
  2. Strategies for Crafting and Communicating Compelling CX Business Cases: Developing Your Approach to Getting Buy-In: Building support for CX initiatives requires more than just numbers; it requires strategic communication and stakeholder engagement. In this session, attendees will learn how to develop structured communications plans, identify internal champions, secure executive buy-in, and leverage storytelling techniques to articulate the business value of CX effectively.

This conference experience is designed with your needs in mind. You will find ample time to hear from CX practitioners and thought leaders and work alongside fellow attendees to ensure that you get advice relevant to your most pressing needs. Last year's inaugural program achieved a Net Promoter Score (NPS) of 81 and with the help of our volunteer leader planning committee, we intend to create an even better program this year!

Your conference registration includes twelve hours of targeted customer experience education; heavy hors d'oeuvres opening reception on Tuesday; breakfast, lunch, and dinner on Wednesday; breakfast and lunch on Thursday; and refreshments throughout the conference. Attendees are responsible for travel expenses and arrangements.    

Register to Attend

1 comment



04-05-2024 02:39 PM

The learning journeys are such a great way to organize the sessions, especially when there's so much amazing content that it's hard to decide which to attend. Looking forward to whichever journey I end up choosing. I know it will be worthwhile, educational, and fun.