
Unleashing the Power of CX Prioritization: Five Insights from a CXPA and Glassbox Livestream

By CXPA Admin posted 08-24-2023 04:08 PM


In a recent CXPA and Glassbox livestream, Gabe Smith, CCXP, was joined by Glassbox’s Greg Dowling, Global Director of Business Insights. Their discussion centered around the challenges CX leaders face, the role of data in decision-making, leveraging technology for collaboration, and the future trends shaping CX strategies.

1. The Three S's: Silos, Strategy, and Stasis

Greg highlighted three primary challenges: silos, strategy misalignment, and stasis. Silos within an organization hinder effective communication and shared understanding of CX, and breaking down these barriers requires cross-functional collaboration, clear CX strategy alignment with broader business objectives, and continued effort to overcome complacency. CX professionals must remain vigilant in tracking, analyzing, and optimizing customer experiences based on data insights.

2. The Role of Data in CX Prioritization

Data is the bedrock of informed decision-making in CX. Greg emphasized that data-driven choices are crucial for identifying, quantifying, and addressing sources of friction in the customer journey. Establishing the business value tied to customer experience issues helps prioritize efforts effectively. Tracking customer segments, their objectives, and their journey outcomes enables organizations to focus on the areas that matter most. “If you're not able to equate business value to the customer experience struggles--to the speed bumps and to the friction points--if you don't understand what that is actually costing you in terms of business value, it's going to be very, very difficult to prioritize,” Greg said. “What's going to end up happening is you're going to take the highest-paid person's opinion in the room.”

3. Using Technology to Drive Collaboration and Prioritization

Technology acts as a powerful enabler for collaboration across departments. Greg stressed that while technology is essential, successful utilization hinges on people's ability to wield it effectively. He introduced the concept of a Customer Experience Analytics Governance Council—an interdisciplinary group responsible for deciding CX projects and prioritization. This council ensures that CX strategies align with the goals of various stakeholders within an organization. “The tools that you choose should be based on the applicability to your business case; however, focus on those tools that will allow you to relatively easily integrate data points together,” he said. “This is going to allow you to choose a vernacular across your organization that is consistent and able to bring in the best parts of each one of those elements into your organization.”

4. Overcoming Adoption Hurdles

A common hurdle faced during CX implementation is the desire to tackle too much too soon. Greg emphasized the importance of starting small, achieving quick wins, and showcasing the positive impact of CX efforts to build buy-in across departments. Transparent communication and a clear understanding of the program's value can address resistance and promote collaboration.

5. Future Trends Shaping CX Strategies

Greg looked into the future and highlighted the growing influence of Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning in CX strategies. He envisioned AI acting as a real-time "air traffic controller" for customer experiences, anticipating and circumventing potential issues. This technology will empower organizations to adapt and optimize customer journeys promptly, increasing overall satisfaction.

Catch the full replay here.

Have an idea for a future live event discussion topic? Reach out to Gabe Smith, CCXP:


