CXPA Mentoring Program

CXPA’s Mission:

We support CX professionals to share, learn, inspire, and grow throughout their entire career.

Our Definition of Mentorship:

A proven self-development method that can help both mentee and mentor develop perspective, build confidence, gain new skills and knowledge, and further personal development and career goals.

CXPA Mentoring Program Vision:

The vision is for CX Professionals who participate in the program to attribute a part of their professional growth and success to their personal connections through CXPA’s Mentoring Program.

Why should you participate in CXPA's Mentoring Program?

As a Mentee:

  • Access to senior leaders with a depth of experience from the CXPA community
  • Easily find CXPA members willing to serve as a mentor
  • Opportunity to expand your experiences, contributions, and advance your position  in Customer Experience
  • Cultivate your own path forward through your mentor's counseling 
  • Opportunity to learn from experiences, mistakes, and successes by debriefing and deepening understanding 
  • Build your network with genuine relationships
  • Get you ready to pay it forward

As a Mentor:

  • Leverage your wisdom and experiences so that another may benefit
  • Ability to share with the CXPA community that you are willing to be a mentor
  • Experience enhanced relationships with insightful discussions
  • Opportunity to give back to future leaders in CX, part of your legacy
  • Develop skills as a teacher, manager, strategist or consultant
  • Learn from others’ experiences, which in turn, will strengthen your leadership skills
  • Sense of fulfillment and satisfaction when observing the direct impact of your relationship
  • Earn CCXP renewal credits

Questions? We are happy to help!

Reach out to us at and let us know how we can assist. 

The Mentor Match Program is open to CXPA members only.