
Webinar Review: Re-thinking Digital Feedback Strategies for the New World

By Ms. Taylor Barbieri posted 07-08-2020 04:55 PM


In 2018, $900 billion of the $1.3 trillion spent on digital transformation (DT) initiatives was wasted, with 70% of DT initiatives failing to reach their goals.

 Still, CEOs and senior executives ranked DT as their top concern for their 2019.

 This puts customer experience (CX) practitioners in a difficult spot: How can CX practitioners implement successful DT strategies to align with senior leaders’ concerns when a majority of DT initiatives have failed?

 Jackie Potts and Ellie Dubbs, the Director of VOC Strategy and a VOC Consultant at Concentrix, respectively, have a few ideas.

 In “Re-thinking Digital Feedback Strategies for the New World”, Jackie and Ellie present four steps brands can take to collect more valuable and actionable feedback to improve their customer experience initiatives.


What I loved:


My favorite takeaway from this webinar is that CX teams can and should consider using surveys as a kind of assistant instead of solely as a data collection tool.

 By putting surveys on key pages and asking more situationally relevant questions, organizations can both improve a customer’s experience in the moment by recommending another helpful page or resource while also gathering information that could increase future experiences.


Key quote:

 “The power of digital feedback is never going to be realized broadly within our industry unless we start to break down silos and to start to share results cross-functionally.”



The webinar is perfect for:

This webinar is ideal for CX practitioners whose DT initiatives are failing to meet their expectations.

 In particular, this webinar is great for CX professionals who feel their DT initiatives may have shifted focus away from their customers and have created less pleasant experiences.

 Jackie and Ellie noted that many companies focus too much on tools and technology when implementing their DT initiatives instead of creating a customer-led initiative.typewriter-5356810_1920.jpg

 Specifically, many feedback strategies ask irrelevant questions and can interrupt customers’ online experience. Additionally, it’s not uncommon for feedback to not be collected with other groups in the organization whose initiatives could benefit from this data. 

 Fortunately, there are ways for CX teams to get their feedback collection strategies back on track. The four steps Jackie and Ellie recommended include:


  • Rethinking where you collect feedback from customers. Review your customer journey maps to make sure you’re collecting feedback from high-priority and high-potential moments in your customer life cycle.
  • Identifying new methods for collecting feedback. Many brands resort to feedback tabs and pop-ups that can disrupt a customer’s experience. Organizations commonly collect mostly negative feedback that can be difficult to act on, as well. Instead, organizations should consider using micro-journeys, or mini surveys embedded on key pages like a product page or account dashboard.
  • Using surveys for more than just feedback. Online surveys can do more than gather information for an organization – they can also guide customers to key pages and resources or offer incentives to retain customers who didn’t have a pleasant experience. Both of these could result in a more seamless and pleasurable online experience.
  • Sharing digital transformation insights with other groups in your organization. It’s easy for data to become siloed within an organization and for teams to make assumptions. Sharing insights from your digital transformation initiatives with other groups can help your company to be more customer-focused, high-value experiences.

 Creativity and collaboration are the name of the game when it comes to revamping your company’s digital feedback strategies. Outside-the-box thinking can help CX practitioners to identify new and more effective ways to utilize existing tools and channels, whereas collaboration can ensure more seamless customer-focused initiatives across your organization.

1 comment



07-17-2020 04:56 PM

Great writeup Taylor!