
20 Brilliant Customer New Year's Resolutions for 2020

By Nienke Bloem, CCXP posted 02-04-2020 10:16 AM


Ok, 2020 already started and you might think, it is a little too late for New Year's resolutions, but I say; read these and you might get a new perspective.


I created these at the start of the new decade and I wouldn’t be a CX expert, if I didn’t link New Year's resolutions to customers. I first wrote them in Dutch for the magazine Customer First, and so many people liked it and shared it, that I decided to also create the English version. So take a look at these 20 Brilliant Customer New Year's Resolutions. Hopefully they are already completely lived-by in your organization. But before you nod your head, let's check that out:

1. We do not use small print, that we cannot explain properly.

2. We do not use no-reply e-mail addresses. Because it is weird that we as an organization are allowed to talk to a customer, but they cannot say anything back.

3. Our surveys are short and look amazing.

4. If a customer completes a survey, we will act upon it. We improve our services and provide feedback on what we have done.

5. We respond to reviews left by the customer.

6. We like the customer and he experiences this in all our customer contact.

7. If we promise to call a customer back, of course we do.

8. A customer never has to repeat his or her story, we use our CRM system in such a way that all colleagues know what the conversation was about.

9. If our customer cannot solve its problem on our digital channels, we offer an alternative.

10. We thank our customer because he has been a customer for years. If new customers get a nice offer, of course our valued customers receive that offer too.

11. We do not hide our telephone number on our website.

12. Our management regularly listens in or works at the front-line, so that they too can enjoy our customers.

13. We might send our customers a card this year. On their birthday, or just because we can.

14. We never put the customer on hold very long, even if we are the Government.

15. We do not use annoying waiting music.

16. If something goes wrong, we sincerely apologize and resolve the issue.

17. We never blame another organization if something goes wrong, but we take control.

18. Our letters are written in understandable language.

19. We never ask for nines and tens to rate our services, but we are genuinely curious about every customer experience.

20. Of course our contact center is also open in the evenings and / or during the weekend, if that is the time our customers need us.

Are there points in this list, that you are not living up too for your customers? Decide to do things differently from today on. Off you go. Happy 2020!

>>> Want to share it with your colleagues? I created a downloadable A4 PDF, for you to maybe print and hang it next to the coffee machine :-) Download it here on slide share.

>>> Nienke Bloem CCXP is an expert in Customer Experience, both as Keynote Speaker, Recognized Training Provider by the CXPA and she is founder of the customer experience game. She writes blog to share knowledge, make you think and laugh and wants to make the world a more beautiful place for customers and employees. 

>>> Feel free to comment on this blog and share it in your community! 

Note: this column is published in Dutch in the magazine CustomerFirst 01-2020

