
A New Mission and Vision for CXPA

By Mr. Greg Melia, CAE posted 10-27-2020 07:22 PM


“I like the word ‘Inspire’ because it has origins in the concepts of blow into, to bring spark, or to inflame,” remarked Annette Franz, CCXP, CXPA Chair, during a recent strategic planning session. Our Board of Directors reviewed statements and documents that arose out of the planning session to generate new Vision and Mission statements, revisions to CXPA’s value proposition, operating priorities, and Bylaws. Our efforts represent a renewed commitment by the Board and staff to ensure a vibrant, member-centric association as we enter CXPA’s 10th anniversary year.

Passion is another concept linked to light or ignite — and an idea that the Board and staff heard frequently as we gathered member input over the past several months. Members spoke about the value of CXPA to their personal career path, and how important it is to be a part of a community of others passionate about leading CX.  We heard through community support, relevant content, and individual recognition, such as the CCXP, that CXPA is invaluable to anyone committed to CX career success. We also gathered a consensus definition of a CX professional:

“A CX professional is a catalyst who enhances an organization's results by understanding, designing, and improving experiences across the entire customer relationship.” 

Additionally, we heard that now, more than ever, CXPA needs to be a strong, independent voice that advocates for the role of CX professionals because CX professionals are the most essential component of successful customer experience management – not a metric, software platform, or proprietary methodology. Lastly, we heard that the CXPA community believes we are at our best when we engage the entire community to benefit from diversity of thought, experience, and leadership.

The consistency in feedback led the Board to adopt a sharpened focus and strengthened commitment to CXPA as an organization devoted to the success of CX professionals. Our new mission and vision statements reflect these commitments:

Mission: We support CX professionals to share, learn, inspire, and grow throughout their entire career.

Vision: Exceptional outcomes inspired by empowered CX Professionals.

The Board recently drafted new proposed Bylaws and related processes to further guide CXPA. We are currently seeking Board nominations, and this week we held a Town Hall meeting to discuss in greater detail (video below). We hope you will reach out to us by email, to discuss these new directions in greater depth and to share your thoughts as we consider next steps and 2021 priorities for CXPA.

CXPA was founded with the intent to unite CX practitioners, embed customer experience management skills in organizations, and to create a better understanding of the discipline of customer experience.  CXPA has come a long way, especially with the growth and recognition of the CCXP credential. It is our goal to recommit energy and attention to being the single, collective, independent by-member-for-member voice that champions and supports CX professionals as the heart of CX success. And by doing so, together we will advance CX.

Annette, Barbie, Nancy, Bob, Alison, Tabitha, Lynn,

Gökhan, Dave, Michelle, J.C., Lorraine, Amy, Brad and Kathy

The CXPA Board of Directors         

