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How to talk to your CFO about Customer Experience and Revenue Growth

By Liliana Petrova, CCXP posted 04-05-2018 08:07 PM


Concept image of Accounting Business Acronym ROI Return On Investment written over road marking yellow paint line.

Last month we introduced the topic of Customer Experience ROI and the complexity of building a good business case for it. The Customer Experience business case is strong, but not easy to prove. Today we will dive deeper in two big wins of a successful customer experience investment – revenue and customer growth of your business.

Revenue Growth

Proving customer experience-driven revenue benefits is a surmountable challenge. It is a project that involves team members from each level of your team to engage cross functionally and build a comprehensive analysis with many assumptions and commitments in the future. While the doers build financial models, senior leaders need to get buy-in from their peers and put on paper the process and policy changes required for the desired impact of the future employee and customer experience.

The first step is to quantify what is the current customer experience. Do you offer any self-service?  If you do not...

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Liliana Petrova

