
CXPA Offers Secure, Online Remote-Proctored Testing for CCXP Candidates

By Gabe Smith, CCXP posted 07-09-2020 04:47 PM


With many places around the world still in lockdown, those who wanted to invest the time needed to become a Certified Customer Experience Professional (CCXP) were still limited to taking the exam in an in-person testing center.

CXPA’s board and staff leaders knew that more should be done to help.

They came together to examine ways in which the testing process could be made easier for those members and supporters for whom traveling to a testing center would be difficult or impossible.

“CXPA is committed to supporting CX professionals around the globe, regardless of location,” says Greg Melia, CAE, CXPA’s CEO. To demonstrate that commitment, the association now offers CCXP candidates a secure, online, remote proctored exam, one that upholds the integrity and security of the exam through ProMetric’s ProProctor system.

“The option allows candidates to take the exam in the comfort, and most importantly, in the safety and security of their own home or office,” says Adrienne Bryant, CAE, the CCXP Program Director.

Before applying for the exam and booking an online session, candidates should first confirm their eligibility to become a CCXP, and should also perform a system check to ensure that their setup is compatible with online testing and remote proctor requirements.

For Melia, the ability to offer online testing is well-aligned with CXPA’s goals. “This is one more way that we are advancing our discipline by expanding online professional development opportunities,” he says.

Bryant agrees.

“I’m most excited that this option allows the CCXP Exam to be more inclusive of a wider variety of candidates for the foreseeable future. Many of our candidates do not have testing centers located in their city or even their country. The remote proctor option brings the exam to the candidate in a safe and secure environment.”

 About CCXP

The Certified Customer Experience Professional (CCXP) program provides professional recognition of individuals with high levels of knowledge of the customer experience discipline. Until the CXPA established this credential, there was no industry-wide, standardized avenue for CX practitioners to demonstrate their expertise and accomplishments, and no formal credentials that showcased an individual’s standing in the industry. As a non-profit, independent association, the CXPA is well-positioned to grant the CCXP as a recognized, admired independent professional credential.

